
St Peter and St Paul Church Primary School

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School Uniform

School Uniform

We have a school uniform which all the children should wear as it looks smart and helps them to feel that they belong to the “school family”.


The following branded items will be our school uniform for EYFS, KS1 and KS2 most of which  can be purchased from the school supplier, Gooddies (see below).


Purple sweatshirt with logo

Purple cardigan with logo

White polo shirt with logo for PE

Purple Bookbags

Purple summer cap /Purple winter ski hat—available from the school office

School tie for key stage 2 - available from the school office.


The branded items should be worn with the following unbranded items available from supermarkets and other retailers


Plain white polo shirt (EYFS and KS1) or plain white button up shirt (KS2)

Charcoal grey trousers, skirt, pinafore dress or shorts

Purple gingham summer dress

Sensible black school shoes (Laces only for children who can tie them)

Grey tracksuit bottoms or shorts for PE and grey hoodie

Trainers for outdoor games

Drawstring PE bag


Art and Craft:


A plastic apron is provided for painting


All items, including underwear, socks, swimwear, PE bags and shoes, must

be clearly marked.


We are currently in the process of moving all uniform orders to be ordered directly via our school supplier Gooddies (details below), however, we currently hold some sizes in stock in school whilst the transition is made.

These items are listed below and will be held at the 2021 prices until stock runs out so will be cheaper

than the Gooddies website.

Complete the order form below and enclose payment with the order in an envelope marked “Uniform Order”.

(exact money only please as we are unable to give change)

Hand the envelope into the school office.

Orders will be processed as soon as possible.

Please order sizes carefully. If you are unsure what size to order, please ask to see these first.

Orders can be collected from the office when they are ready.


Order form for uniform in stock in school

Ordering from our school supplier Gooddies
