
St Peter and St Paul Church Primary School

Let your light shine

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As writing is a means of expression, both for personal cognitive purposes and for communicating with others, teaching children to write with confidence, fluency, imagination and accuracy is at the core of our curriculum at St Peter and St Paul. In order to achieve this, we follow Talk for Writing as a whole school process for the teaching of English.


From their first days with us, to their last, the children are immersed in wealth of wonderful writing. Central to the approach is the principle that the children must be able to say what they want to write. We use drama, games and story maps to help the children learn stories, vocabulary and sentence structures. Teachers act as expert models of the writing process in shared writing sessions. Moving through the phases of imitation, innovation and independent application, allows the children to continually cycle through supported and independent writing opportunities to write a range of different story and text types. Talk for Writing, supports the children to develop their confidence in writing and see themselves as authors. 


What is Talk for Writing? Pie Corbett explains

Talk for Writing founder and Literacy expert, Pie Corbett, gives a brief overview of the Talk for Writing approach to teaching Literacy, and why it works.

Writing in Reception




Donaldson Class have been exploring the story of The Little Red Hen. 



Writing in Key Stage One

Rosen Class, Year 1, have been working on the story 'Knuffle Bunny'. They have continued their focus on description and forming sentences. They thought about how the story was in the past tense and began to think about how they can form past tense verbs. Rosen Class have been enjoying writing their own versions of Knuffle Bunny. 



Year 2 have been looking at the Japanese folktale 'Issun Boshi'. They have been working hard to explore the ambitious vocabulary and write their own version of the story. 


Writing in Key Stage Two 


Year 3 have been drawing on their wider knowledge to write non-fiction reports about settlements. 


Morpurgo Class are enjoying their class reader 'The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe'. Coelho Class have finished reading 'The Iron Man'.


Lewis Class have been studying the story 'Alice in Wonderland' looking at extracts of the text as well as film clips. They have written their own narratives, focusing on inverted commas to punctuate their dialogue. They published their writing on Chromebooks. 
