
St Peter and St Paul Church Primary School

Let your light shine

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Weekly timetable

  English (Approx 45 mins) Maths (Approx 45 Mins) Handwriting/Reading (Approx 25 mins) Topic (Approx 1 hour)  Story (5 mins)
Monday Today's English lesson incorporates your computing lesson also.  You will need to log into purple mash and watch the video for today's lesson in the video centre.  You will need your alien character description from last Friday's English lesson. In this lesson, you will be creating a pictogram and interpreting data from this pictogram. Handwriting session and reading comprehension activity

RE - Places of worship.



The next chapter of 'The Wishing Chair'.
Tuesday Today we will be answering and asking questions in the role of our alien character. In this lesson, you will be interpreting data from a block diagram Handwriting session and reading comprehension activity

Music - In this lesson, you are going to review pulse and rhythm are. You will learn to use musical notation symbols to represent different rhythms and learn some new songs. Get ready for the challenges and quizzes throughout the lesson to test your learning!

PE - Time to go on a second dance exploration of space...when you'll be meeting some aliens!

The next chapter of 'The Wishing Chair'.
Wednesday Today we will be using at thought bubbles and speech bubbles and when and how  to use them.   In this lesson, you will be creating a tally chart and interpreting data from a scaled pictogram. Handwriting session and reading comprehension activity Science - In this lesson, we will be learning about stars and their temperatures. We will also learn about constellations. You will need a piece of paper and a pencil. The next chapter of 'The Wishing Chair'.
Thursday Today we will be practising using our story telling language to re - tell the story of the man on the moon.   In this lesson, you will be creating a block diagram from a tally chart and interpreting data from this. Handwriting session and reading comprehension activity PSHE - In this lesson you will be learning about how to keep calm and carry on. We will be thinking about objects and materials which make us feel happy and at peace. You will then make a happiness box into which you can add all these materials. The next chapter of 'The Wishing Chair'.
Friday Today we will be planning our very own story - 'Aliens on the moon'.  We will use our planning journey to help us tell our story.   In this lesson, you will be comparing block diagrams and pictograms and interpreting data from them. Handwriting session and reading comprehension activity

Geography - In this lesson, we are going to be virtually flying to Africa!


Forest school - Join Mrs Amitrano for some forest school activities.  

The next chapter of 'The Wishing Chair'.

