
St Peter and St Paul Church Primary School

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Year 1 home learning for the weeks beginning the 20th and 27th April

Welcome to another week!

Below is your timetable for the week beginning 27th April. Remember - you don't have to follow this. We know that, like us, many of you will be juggling home schooling alongside working from home, so please use this as a guide only. 

PowerPoints and Website links have been included to support some learning activities. Please use these alongside your child and remind them of our e-safety rules.

Activities don't have to be printed - templates have been provided should you wish to use them but most, if not all, the activities can be completed straight onto paper or into your writing book. 

As well as daily learning you will also find additional reading activities, maths challenges and links to ways you can keep active.

We are missing you all lots and hope you are all keeping safe and well. Remember to keep sending pictures of all the amazing learning you are doing at home - we love seeing it and it puts a BIG smile on our faces.

Take care. Big hugs.

Mrs Stratton







Mrs Stratton’s Group:

Grapheme for reading: oe

Mrs Amitrano’s Group:

ou day 1

Monkey Puzzle

WALT: take on the role of a character and write a diary

20 – 30 minutes

White Rose

Lesson 1: Find Half

WALT: find half

20 – 30 minutes


WALT: recognise some Jewish symbols and artefacts, knowing what they mean

30 – 40 minutes


Mrs Stratton’s Group:

Grapheme for reading: au

Mrs Amitrano’s Group:

ou day 2

Monkey Puzzle

WALT: retell the beginning of a story

30 minutes

White Rose

Lesson 2: Find a Quarter

WALT: quarter

20 – 30 minutes


WALT: classify common animals

30 – 40 minutes


Mrs Stratton’s Group:

Grapheme for reading: ew

Mrs Amitrano’s Group:

ou day 3

Monkey Puzzle

WALT: retell the middle of a story

30 minutes

White Rose

Lesson 3: Find a quarter

WALT: quarter

20 – 30 minutes


WALT: describe a location

30 – 40 minutes


Mrs Stratton’s Group:

Grapheme for reading: ew


Mrs Amitrano’s Group:

Choose from the activities provided

Monkey Puzzle

WALT: retell the end of a story

30 minutes

White Rose

Lesson 4: Problem Solving

WALT: solve a problem

20 – 30 minutes

Forest School/Outdoor Learning

45 – 60 minutes

Choose one of the forest school activities. Remember to take pictures and share these with us!


Monkey Puzzle

WALT: write a thank you letter

30 minutes

White Rose

Friday Maths Challenge

20 – 30 minutes


WALT: print onto paper and/or textile

30 – 40 minutes



Monday 4th May - A Heads Up!!

Bubbles - next week we will be describing bubbles and having a go at writing our own bubble poetry.

Do you have bubbles at home that you can use to help you with you learning?

Don't worry if you don't - I have included a recipe to make your own and if you get really stuck then I will be putting some bubbles in the school reception area (I will make sure they have been given the anti-bac treatment!) for you to come and collect from Tuesday 28th April.

NB - bubbles aren't essential to be able to complete the learning activity but will make it more fun and engaging.
