
St Peter and St Paul Church Primary School

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Year 1

Remote Learning W/C 7th March 


Monday TuesdayWednesday ThursdayFriday
MathsMathsPSHEMaths Maths 
REGeographyArt Science Computing


Remote Learning W/C 7th March 



This week, we are revising the different sounds made by the <ow> spelling and looking at polysyllablic words. 



















RE: This week, in our RE we are learning about the last supper. Before you watch the video, try to remember everything that you can about the Palm Sunday and Ash Wednesday - perhaps you could make a mindmap or draw and label pictures to show what you can remember. Watch the video clip to learn about the last supper. Then, look at the famous picture. What is it showing? Who do you think is Jesus and who do you think is Judas? Can you explain why you think this?  




PSHE: In our PSHE lesson this week, we are thinking all about how different household products can help us to stay clean and healthy. We will think about how these products can be dangerous and how they are used and stored safely.








Reading: In school, we will be starting learning all about Paddington Bear. Watch the video to hear the story of Paddington Bear at the Circus. Can you discuss your opinions on the story? What did you like? What didn't you like?

For an extra challenge, can you research any other Paddington Bear stories. 

Remote Learning W/C 14th March 


Monday TuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 
EnglishEnglishPEEnglish English
MathsMaths PSHEMathsMaths
RE Science GeographyArt Reading


Remote Learning W/C 14th March 
































Reading: Visit our reading page and have a go at reading some of our decodable ebooks. (Don't forget you can come back to read these at any point. You can also listen to school staff reading stories that were recorded during the lockdowns in our video centre). 

Remote Learning W/C 28th February 


Monday TuesdayWednesdayThursday Friday 
English English REWorld Book Day activitiesEnglish 
Maths Maths PSHE Maths 
Geography Reading Computing Science










Monday: Pick an activity to do that you will be able to write instructions about tomorrow e.g. make a sandwich, make a bed, make a drink. As / after you do the activity, draw pictures to remind you of the different stages. Add some labels to help you remember key words you might want to use in your instructions tomorrow. 

Tuesday: Discuss the activity you did yesterday. Look back at your pictures to help you verbally say your instructions and then write a set of instructions. Remember to include time adverbials like 'first', 'next', 'after that'. Share your instructions within someone to see if they can follow them. 

Friday: Today, we are thinking about our new unit of learning where we will be focusing on character descriptions. Find your favourite teddy or toy to describe. Draw a picture of it and label with interesting adjectives and then challenge yourself to write some super descriptive sentences. 










Geography: Introduction to the United Kingdom


PSHE: In our PSHE lessons, we are thinking about how we can stay healthy and how we can make healthy choices. Have a discussion about healthy choices that you already make and some you would like to make. E.g. having a piece of fruit at snack time, going to bed on time, drinking lots of water. In the middle of a piece of paper, draw a picture of yourself. Around the picture label /write lots of healthy choices you will make. Challenge yourself to make a new healthy choice today. 


Reading: In our whole class reading lessons we are looking at the story Beegu. We are thinking about how Beegu might feel. Discuss lots of different emotions. You could try acting out and guessing the different emotions. Use the link to watch the video of Beegu. Pick a place to stop and try to explain how Beegu might be feeling. Challenge yourself to explain why you think Beegu is feeling that way. E.g I think Beegu is feeling ... because....


RE: This week in our RE lesson we are learning all about Ash Wednesday, but first can you recall the story of Palm Sunday from our learning last week? What happened on Palm Sunday? How did the people feel when Jesus came? Now watch the video recorded by Rev. Helen for our collective worship last year to learn all about Ash Wednesday.

Now can you answer the questions: 

  • Why do people hold palm crosses on Palm Sunday? 
  • What does the ash cross remind Christians that they need to try to do during lent?


World Book Day: 

Our theme for World Book Day, is bedtime stories so it is time to get in to your favourite pyjamas for the day! Chose from some of the optional activities below to celebrate World Book Day. 

Welcome to Spring 2

We hope you had a nice half term. Please find below the remote learning for Year 1 which will be added on a weekly basis. 

Remote Learning- W/C 21st February 

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 
phonics phonics phonicsphonicsphonics
English English PE English English 
Maths Maths PSHEMaths Maths 
Science RE Computing Geography Reading 


Remote Learning - W/C 21st February 

Phonics  - this week, we are looking at different ways of the spelling the sound <e> and revising reading longer words with adjacent consonants. 

Monday: /e/ (revise this well known sound as part of our sound family)

Tuesday: /ea/

















Science:  Continued from before half term. We are thinking about herbivores, omnivores and carnivores. Can you name some different carnivores, omnivores and herbivores?


Computing: Before half term, we took part in internet safety day. We thought about how we could stay safe online. Can you create a poster with rules for using the internet safely?


PSHE:  This half term, we are thinking about making healthy choices.




RE:  Use the link to watch this video of a remote lesson by Mrs Burgess all about Palm Sunday. For your activity, have a go at making a palm cross or a welcome banner.




Reading: Write a reading recommendation to add to your class display. Write about your favourite book. Why would you recommend it to your friends? 

Remote Learning  W/C 7th February 


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 
phonics phonics phonics phonics phonics
English English PSHEEnglish DT project 
Maths Maths PEMaths 
Science RE Reading History 



*Friday is our trip to Brooklands Transport Museum.

Remote Learning w/c 7th February 



This week, we are looking at different ways to spell the 'er' sound. 

Monday: 'ur'

Tuesday: 'er'

Wednesday: 'ir'

Thursday: 'or'

Friday: 'ear'













This week, we are continuing to think about the food that different animals eat. Can you find and name 2 different herbivores, omnivores and carnivores?




This week we are continuing to think about baptism. Who is John the Baptist? Can you find out about Jesus' baptism? There is a video in the Video Centre by Rev. Helen discussing Jesus' baptism. How do you think it would feel to be baptised? Can you explain why? 


DT project

In our DT lessons, we have been exploring wheels and axels to help us design and make a moving vehicle. Can you have a go at making a moving vehicle? You could use the video below to help you.  Think about what went well and what you would change if you were to do it again. 



Thursday: Can you find out about how air travel was invented? Who invented the first planes? There are some videos to help you think about how transport has changed.




In our reading lessons, we have been exploring the story Around the World in 80 days. We have been exploring and discussing lots of the tricky language, making links to our history of transport topic and making some predictions. 

Can you think about what has already happened in the story and make a prediction of what might happen at the end of the story? Read the rest of the story to see if your prediction was correct. (Adult to read the story and support with discussing language and comprehension). 

Can you give your opinion on the story? - don't forget your reason why. 

Please use this link to access a more age appropriate ebook of the story.



In our PSHE lessons, we have thinking about how we challenge ourselves to overcome obstacles (stretchy learning). This week, we are thinking about how it feels to be successful. Can you discuss / make a list of the things you do well and achievements you are proud of? Think about how you felt when you did these things? Can you name the feelings and what they felt like? Use the treasure chest template to help you think about one of these achievements in more detail. (our internal treasure chest is our memories and feelings about the things we are proud of - these can be achievements and our actions of how we responded when we found things challenging). 




Remote learning: W/C 31st January 2022 

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 
Phonics Phonics Phonics Phonics Phonics 
English English PSHEEnglish English 
Maths Maths PEMaths Maths 
Science REMusic History Computing 



In our phonics this week, we are starting to look at polysyllabic words that we can break down and read in more than one part. Use the videos to practice reading longer words. 




















In our science this week, we are continuing to think about the way we can group animals. Tell an adult what you remember about the groups we learned about last week (amphibian, reptile, mammal, fish, bird). (You could look on your knowledge organiser to help you!). This week, we are learning about omnivores, carnivores and herbivores.

(In school, we will be investigating fake 'animal poo' to work out if the poo came from carnivore, herbivore or omnivore. If you want to try making some 'animal poo', the recipe is here add leaves, grass, meat etc to make the poo of each animal type. 



In our RE this week, we are talking to Reverend Helen about St Peter and St Paul, how the church got its name, and how we are part of the community of the church of St Peter and St Paul and our school. Visit the church website. Can you find the picture of the Chaldon Mural? Can you remember anything Rev. Helen told us about the mural when we visited? Think about / make a list of any other communities you belong to. How does it make you feel to belong a community?






In our PSHE this week, we are thinking about how we feel when we face obstacles and challenges in our learning and how we can overcome then. Read the story 'We're going on a bear hunt' by Michael Rosen. What obstacles do the characters face? How do they overcome them? Talk about a time you faced a challenge in your learning. What did you do? What could you do next time you face a challenge?





In our computing lessons, we have been thinking about staying safe. One way to stay safe is to use our own username and password to help us log on to the computer. Can you practice using your username and password to log in to Mathletics. (If you can't find your username and password, contact the office and we can provide it). 



We like to make recommendations and share the books we have enjoyed reading. Can you make a poster about your favourite book? Bring it back to school so we can put it on our recommendations wall. 

Remote learning for the W/C 24th January 2022


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 
Phonics Phonics Phonics Phonics Phonics 
English English Reading English English 
Maths Maths PEMaths Maths 
RE Science History Music Computing



Phonics: this week we are looking at different spellings for the /oe/ sound. 

Monday: (/oa/ boat)

Tuesday: (/o/ open )

Wednesday: (/o-e/ bone)

Thursday: (/oe/ toe and /ou/ shoulder)









Maths - in our maths this week, we are practicing our addition skills and thinking about using our known number facts to help us and how to add by partitioning numbers and adding to 10 first. 






Reading: This week we are thinking about how stories are brought to life.


Computing: We are continuing to think about how to stay safe online. Watch the video to remind yourself. Can you make an online safety poster?






RE - this week are continuing to think about Christian Baptism. Think about what you can remember from our trip to the church. Watch the videos to explore Baptism. Think about the Christian symbols used in Baptism. Use the sheet to label the symbols. 




History - What can you remember about living memory and beyond living memory? Find out about how transport has changed within and beyond living memory.

Remote learning w/c 17th January 


Monday Tuesday WednesdayThursdayFriday 
EnglishEnglish ReadingEnglishEnglish
Maths MathsMathsMathsMaths
ScienceMusic REReading History


Phonics  - This week, we are revising the /ay/ sounds and also practicing some of our blending skills. 



















Maths - Look through the videos and use the sheets in the documents below. On Friday, there is no video to watch but are activities to consolidate and practice number bonds to 10 and to 20. 

Monday: Today, we are exploring adding by counting on. The activity is within the video.






Science - This week, we are thinking about animals. We begin by exploring living things.






RE This week, we are beginning to think about Christian baptism. Watch the videos to find out all about it. Can you find out if anyone in your family has been baptised?

Part 1:

Part 2:


Remote learning for the week beginning 10th January 2022

The timetable below includes all of the learning that we have set for any children in Year 1 that need to isolate this week. Links to resources and worksheets are provided as needed.

Please upload photos and videos of your child's learning to their Tapestry account so that we can celebrate their learning and provide feedback.

Please do not hesitate to contact us by emailing if you would like further support with remote learning this week and/or require paper copies of any of the resources.


Year 1 team

 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday  
Activity 1 PhonicsPhonicsPhonicsPhonicsPhonics
Activity 2English English PEEnglish English 
Activity 3 Maths Maths PSHEMaths Maths 
Activity 4 Science ReadingComputing Music RE 



This week, we are looking at different spellings for the long vowel sound 'e'. 

Monday: ee

Tuesday: ea

Wednesday: y

Thursday: e

Friday: e-e


*Please be aware that the video lesson labels do not correspond with the teaching order at St Peter & St Paul, (e.g. a lesson may be labelled as 'reception') but they do follow our teaching sequence and are in line with the lessons being taught in school this week. 



This week, we are continuing with our work on the Smartest Giant in Town.  We will be looking at adjectives for description, the past tense and superlatives using the suffix -est.  

Monday: using adjectives for description. Watch the video to recap using adjectives. We will be writing descriptive sentences to describe the giant's new clothes. There are pictures in the documents below to help you. Can you challenge yourselves to use more than one adjective in a sentence?

Tuesday: past tense - watch the video to learn about the past and present tense focusing on adding the -ed suffix (about 3 mins 45 seconds).  Now have a look at past and present tense verb document. Try to decide which verbs are written in the past tense and which are in the present tense. You could colour them in different colours or write them in columns. 

Thursday: past tense - recap the past and present tense. You want to watch the video again.  Look at today's present tense verb sheet. Pick a verb and write it down. Then write the verb in the past tense. After that, try to use it in a past tense sentence. E.g. walk -> walked    I walked to the park. 

Friday: superlatives -est - We use superlatives, by adding the suffix -est to an adjective, when we are comparing 3 or more things. Superlatives help us to say something is the most or least of something. e.g quickest, slowest.  Look through the power point to practice using superlatives.  Then look at the adjective list. Practice turning the adjectives into superlatives by adding -est. E.g smart -> smartest. For an extra challenge, look at the challenge picture and use superlatives to compare the animals in written or verbal sentences. 




Monday: There are two videos here that will help you think about the amount of tens and ones in a number. Follow the videos to help you work through the sheet attached below.  Video 1:  Video 2:

Tuesday: Today, we are revisiting finding one more and one less. We will be using our understanding of tens and ones within a number to help us solve the problems and also explain our answers. Watch the video to help you work through the sheet.

Thursday: In this lesson, we are comparing groups of objects and numbers. Before you start, think back to our work comparing numbers using greater than and less than. Can you tell an adult all that you remember? Now, watch the video to help you work through the sheet.

Friday: Today, we will be ordering numbers. Use your understanding of greatest and smallest, as well as your understanding of tens and ones within a number to help you. Watch the video and work through the sheet below. You also might want to have a play of the ordering numbers caterpillar game too. ordering numbers game




In our Science this week, we are beginning our new topic of animals. We will be learning about different types of animals, e.g. amphibians, reptiles, mammals, fish, birds. 

Look through the powerpoint to learn about the different animal groups - they are also on your knowledge organiser. Sort the animals in to the different groups using the sheet to help you. 



Read the introduction passage together (adult to read it first, and child to follow, then repeat together joining in where possible). Discuss how to answer retrieval questions: read the text together, read the question and think about what it is asking, find the answer in the text and underline it, write a sentence answer). 

Work through the steps together to answer the questions. 

*Please note that the text level is higher than the children's independent reading level to allow for lots of vocabulary discussion. Reading of the text should be adult led and then give lots of opportunity to discuss meaning. 



This week, we are thinking about setting our own goals and things we would like to achieve / get better at. Spend some time reflecting on the things that we are proud of / good at. Now think about things you would like to get better at and what we can do to work towards it. Use the welly boot template attached below to draw your goal. You could label it / write sentences to explain how you will work towards the goal. 







Remote learning week beginning 3rd January 2022

Welcome back to the spring term. 

The timetable below includes all of the learning that we have set for any children in Year 1 that need to isolate this week. Links to resources and worksheets are provided as needed.

Please upload photos and videos of your child's learning to their Tapestry account so that we can celebrate their learning and provide feedback.

Please do not hesitate to contact us by emailing if you would like further support with remote learning this week and/or require paper copies of any of the resources.


Year 1 team

 WednesdayThursday Friday     
Activity 1 PhonicsPhonicsPhonics
Activity 2PSHE English Maths
Activity 3 Science MathsReading 
Activity 4RE History Science 



Wednesday: ai

Thursday: ay

Friday: a-e

*Please be aware that the video lesson labels do not correspond with the teaching order at St Peter & St Paul, (e.g. a lesson may be labelled as 'reception') but they do follow our teaching sequence and are in line with the lessons being taught in school this week. 



This week, we are starting our new story of The Smartest Giant in Town.

Thursday: Before you watch the video, can you write predictions about what you think the story will be about. (I predict that it will be about ... because....). After you've watched the story, give your opinions. What did you like? What didn't you like? (Don't forget to use full sentences and give your reasons.) Can you think of any questions you might like to ask the author or the characters?

Friday: Today, we will be sequencing and retelling the story of The Smartest Giant in Town. Challenge yourself to retell the story in 2 minutes!  Rewatch the video. Draw pictures in each box to retell the story. Challenge yourself to write sentences for each picture. 







In our Science this week, we are recalling what we know about the seasons and beginning to think about the season of winter.



This week, we are making predictions about a new story we will be looking at throughout the half term, Around the World in 80 Days. Take a look at the picture of the cover and write your predictions. Remember to give a reason for your prediction.  



This week, we are starting to think about all of the things we do well and how it makes us feel when we achieved them. Spend some time talking and thinking about your achievements and what you are doing well. (This could be things  hobbies and talents, skills like tying shoe laces or showing values like manners and kindness. Using the treasure chest template (a box if you have one) decorate it and fill it with words and pictures to show the achievements you are proud of. 




This week, we are beginning our new topic thinking about the history of transport. Watch the video to find out about how transport has changed. Look at the pictures in the attached document. Can you sort them in to past and present? You could cut and stick them, circle them in different colours or discuss them verbally. Try to give reasons for your choices.




Remote Learning - Week Commencing 2nd November 2021

Year 1 Remote Learning week beginning 15th March

If your child and/or family needs to self isolate then please click on the links below to access learning from home.  Please post your work on Tapestry once completed and a member of staff will provide feedback each day.


Please contact the school office by emailing if you require any additional resources and a member of staff will arrange for these to be delivered to you. 

Year 1 Remote Learning week beginning 8th March


All pupils will be returning to school on Monday 8th March however in the event that your child needs to self isolate and/or that we need to close the Year 1 or Key Stage 1 bubble, the timetable below shows the learning which will take place in year 1 this week.

Resources will be provided as necessary to ensure that your child can continue their learning at home and we ask that you upload your child's learning to Tapestry, as you have done since January, to enable us to provide feedback, extension activities or to address any misconceptions.


If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to get in touch with us by emailing or phoning 01883 343 299, and we will get back to you as soon as we are able to do so.


Mrs Burgess and Mr Bibby












Monday PE






WALT: Add numbers

using our knowledge

of place value


Art Reading





WALT: Add numbers

using our knowledge of

place value


Geography PSHE Reading
Wednesday Phonics




WALT: Subtract numbers

using our knowledge

of place value


Forest School Reading
Thursday Phonics 




WALT: Subtract numbers

using our knowledge

of place value


Science Reading
Friday  Phonics RE


WALT: Add and subtract using an appropriate strategy


Computing Reading


Year 1 Remote Learning week beginning 1st March

The timetable below includes all of the learning that we have set for the children in Year 1 this week. All of the resources are grouped into subjects with links and worksheets as needed. 

Please aim to complete at least 3-4 pieces of learning a day if possible. We know that many of you will be juggling working from home as well as home learning so the tasks can be completed across the week to fit around your work commitments. All that we ask is that you encourage your child to do their best and to have a go at their learning. 

We have continued to schedule three zoom meetings which will provide the children with an opportunity to feedback on their learning and see their friends. The zoom meetings will also enable us to do some 'live' teaching, address any misconceptions and revisit key concepts.

We will provide a mixture of individual and whole class feedback via Tapestry and as part of zoom sessions to support your child with their learning. 

Please do not hesitate to contact us by emailing if you would like any further support with remote learning this week and/or would like to discuss any concerns or queries that you may have about your child returning to school next week



Best wishes


Mrs Burgess and Mr Bibby


Session 1

(25 mins)

Session 2

(45 mins)

Session 3

(40 mins)

Session 4

(40 mins)

Session 5

(25 mins)


Daily phonics


Zoom with Mrs Burgess



English- writing (to be explained by Mrs Burgess on zoom)



Walt: Compare lengths




Healthy hands are happy hands - In this lesson we understand the importance of maintaining personal hygiene.



WALT: describe what a collage is and apply our understanding to create one



The letter f


Spellings and Reading


Daily phonics


Zoom with Mr Bibby



What is Australia like?




Walt: Compare heights


Music: Rhythm 2

In this lesson, we will learn to read and write our songs using rhythmic notation.



The Letter e



Introduction to backgrounds and characters


Spellings and Reading


Daily phonics



WALT: create a story map to retell a story



Walt: compare lengths and heights


WALT: describe invertebrates (crustaceans, arachnids and insects)



To know the events of the Last Supper and say some things that Christians believe from it.


Spellings and Reading


Daily phonics


Zoom with Mr Bibby

Maths and spellings quiz

11.00am- Live Collective Worship with Mrs Nash


World Book Day activities for the remainder of the day



Daily phonics



Walt: retell a story




Walt: Measure length


What is Africa like?



Balance, agility and coordination



Letters   f e d s



Mathletics and Reading


Year 1 Remote Learning week beginning 22nd February

Welcome back to Spring 2. The timetable below includes all of the learning that we have set for the children in Year 1 this week. All of the resources are grouped into subjects with links and worksheets as needed. 

Please aim to complete at least 3-4 pieces of learning a day if possible. We know that many of you will be juggling working from home as well as home learning so the tasks can be completed across the week to fit around your work commitments. All that we ask is that you encourage your child to do their best and to have a go at their learning. 

We have continued to schedule three zoom meetings which will provide the children with an opportunity to feedback on their learning and see their friends. The zoom meetings will also enable us to do some 'live' teaching, address any misconceptions and revisit key concepts.

We will provide a mixture of individual and whole class feedback via Tapestry and as part of zoom sessions to support your child with their learning. 

Please do not hesitate to contact us by emailing if you would like any further support with learning and/or additional resources such as exercise books, maths resources, reading books or paper copies of worksheets.


We are hopeful that we may only have two more weeks of Remote Learning. Once we have guidance from the DfE on returning to school we will confirm our return to school plan. 


Best wishes


Mrs Burgess


Session 1

(25 mins)

Session 2

(45 mins)

Session 3

(40 mins)

Session 4

(40 mins)

Session 5

(25 mins)


Daily phonics


Zoom with Mrs Burgess



English- writing (to be explained by Mrs Burgess on zoom)


Walt: describe a character





Walt: Count in twos




Walt: understand how to maintain a healthy lifestyle



Walt: Know the events of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday as told in the Bible and to understand that people thought Jesus was very special




The letter g


Spellings and Reading


Daily phonics


Zoom with Mr Bibby



Walt: explain what a continent is




Walt: Count in twos


Music: Rhythm 1

Walt: understand the difference between pulse and rhythm and how to learn to and repeat short rhythmic patterns.



The Letter s



Walt: explore coding


Spellings and Reading


Daily phonics



Walt: take on the role of a character from the story



Walt: count in fives


Walt: describe what a living thing is and explain what living things need to survive



Walt: explore collage and describe what it is


Spellings and Reading


Daily phonics


Zoom with Mr Bibby

Science  & Spellings quiz



Walt: Count in fives



Walt: identify the continent of Europe describe what Europe is like



Linked to PHSE Monday



Letters   g s a d o c


Mathletics and Reading


Daily phonics



Walt: write a letter






Activity: Place value to 50  end of unit test

1pm- Live Collective Worship



Forest School



Mathletics and Reading


Year 1 Remote Learning week beginning 8th February

Parents and Carers, the timetable below includes all of the learning that we have set for the children in Year 1 this week. This is the final week of home learning for this half term. We will then restart remote learning on Monday 22nd February.


You will also be sent a link to an online parent survey about remote learning in the coming days. Please complete it as this will provide us with valuable feedback and will enable us to find out what is working well and what we could do to improve and enhance our remote learning offer.


As always, please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any further questions and/or require any additional support.


Mrs Burgess and Mr Bibby


Session 1

(25 mins)

Session 2

(45 mins)

Session 3

(40 mins)

Session 4

(40 mins)

Session 5

(25 mins)


Daily phonics


Zoom with Mrs Burgess



English- writing (to be explained by Mrs Burgess on zoom)


WALT: use our senses to describe the snow and write a simple snow poem




Walt: Know One more one less within 50




Keep calm and carry on

We will be thinking about objects and materials which make us feel happy and at peace.



Maintaining pulse and finding the strong beats




The letter a


Spellings and Reading


Daily phonics


Zoom with Mrs Burgess and Mr Bibby


Safer Internet Day themed




Walt: Know one more one less within 50



The Letter d




Change and extend an algorithm list




Identifying tempo





Spellings and Reading


Daily phonics


WALT: use our senses to write a winter acrostic poem





Walt: Compare objects to 50

Design and technology

Design a crown


PE with Marcus Rashford



WALT: understand why baptism is important to Christians 


Spellings and Reading


Daily phonics


Zoom with Mrs Burgess and Mr Bibby


Reading  & Spellings quiz



Walt: Compare numbers within 50


Design and technology

Make a crown



Letters   c o a d



WALT: retell the story of the baptism of Jesus


Mathletics and Reading


Daily phonics



WALT: use our knowledge of the Great Fire of London to write a fire acrostic poem






Walt: Order numbers within 50


Live Collective Worship


Forest School



Create a longer algorithm for an activity

Mathletics and Reading


Year 1 Remote Learning Week Beginning 1st February

From 1-7 February 2021, we are taking part in Place2Be’s Children’s Mental Health Week. This year’s theme is Express Yourself. Place2Be has created activities and resources to help children (and adults) to explore the different ways that they can share their thoughts and feelings and we have included some ideas in the timetable below. 


As always, please aim to complete at least 3-4 pieces of learning a day if possible. We know that many of you will be juggling working from home as well as home learning so the tasks can be completed across the week to fit around your work commitments. All that we ask is that you encourage your child to do their best and to have a go at their learning. 

We have scheduled three zoom meetings which will provide the children with an opportunity to feedback on their learning and see their friends. The zoom meetings will also enable us to do some 'live' teaching, address any misconceptions and revisit key concepts.

We will provide a mixture of individual and whole class feedback via Tapestry and as part of zoom sessions to support your child with their learning. 

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like any further support.


Mrs Burgess and Mr Bibby




Session 1

(25 mins)

Session 2

(45 mins)

Session 3

(40 mins)

Session 4

(40 mins)

Session 5

(25 mins)

Children's Mental Health Week

Express Yourself


Daily phonics


Zoom with Mrs Burgess



English- writing (to be explained by Mrs Burgess on zoom)


What are witness accounts?

WALT: use personal pronouns to describe living through the fire




Walt: Counting to 50 by making 10s





Lesson 6: Whose job is it to keep us healthy?


In this lesson, we will learn about doctors and scientists who have kept us healthy.



The letter C


Spellings and Reading

Please watch the Children's Mental Health week assembly 


Visit the collective worship folder for the link.


Daily phonics


Zoom with Mr Bibby


History What was the impact of the great fire of London?

What changes (before and after)




Walt: Know numbers to 50



WALT: name primary and secondary colours



The Letter O



Spellings and Reading

Draw your feelings activity


See the

Children's Mental Health Week folder below.


Daily phonics

English- writing


Walt: use personal pronouns and the past tense to write an eye witness account



Walt: Count back and forward within 50


Don’t worry about a thing

In this lesson we will be talking about worries and how to deal with them



Understand basic direction keys and create and debug instructions


Spellings and Reading

Put on your favourite song and either dance or sing along to it.


Daily phonics


Zoom with Mrs Burgess and Mr Bibby


Reading  & Spellings quiz



Walt: Place value of ones and tens


Music Lesson 4

Physicalising pulse in different ways



Letters C and O



What makes you feel...? activity.

See Children's Mental Health Week folder below.



Daily phonics

English- writing


Walt: write a diary entry




Walt: Represent numbers to 50


Why is colour important in art?



Forest School

Hedgehog Week

Mathletics and Reading

Dress to Express yourself- choose to wear your favourite colour today and/or dress in your favourite clothes.  




Year 1 Remote Learning Week Beginning 25th January 2021

Parents and Carers, the timetable below includes all of the learning that we have set for the children in Year 1 this week. All of the resources are grouped into subjects with links and worksheets as needed. 

Please aim to complete at least 3-4 pieces of learning a day if possible. We know that many of you will be juggling working from home as well as home learning so the tasks can be completed across the week to fit around your work commitments. All that we ask is that you encourage your child to do their best and to have a go at their learning. 

We have scheduled three zoom meetings which will provide the children with an opportunity to feedback on their learning and see their friends. The zoom meetings will also enable us to do some 'live' teaching, address any misconceptions and revisit key concepts.

We will provide a mixture of individual and whole class feedback via Tapestry and as part of zoom sessions to support your child with their learning. 

Please do not hesitate to contact us by emailing if you would like any further support with learning and/or additional resources such as exercise books, maths resources, reading books or paper copies of worksheets.



Best Wishes


Mrs Burgess and Mr Bibby


Session 1

(25 mins)

Session 2

(45 mins)

Session 3

(40 mins)

Session 4

(40-50 mins)

Session 5

(25 mins)


Daily phonics


Zoom with Mrs Burgess



English/History- writing (to be explained by Mrs Burgess on zoom)


WALT: create a timeline of events and key details to prepare for creating fact sheets about the Great Fire of London





Subtract by crossing 10





Lesson 5: Why is it important to be hygienic?

In this lesson, we will learn about hygiene and Florence Nightingale's role in reimagining hygiene in hospitals.



Spellings and Reading


Daily phonics


Zoom with Mrs Burgess and Mr Bibby


English/History writing (to be explained by Mrs Burgess on zoom)


WALT: create a fact sheet (1)

(Focus on questions and using conjunctions to add more information to our sentences)



Walt: Subtract by crossing 





How did the Great Fire of London start?

In this lesson play an interactive game to follow the story of the fire






Walt: draw lines of different shapes and thickness using different pencils (part 2)

Spellings and Reading


Daily phonics

English- writing


WALT: create a fact sheet (2)


(Focus on questions and using conjunctions to add more information to our sentences)



Walt: use related facts to add and subtract



Lesson 5: What are the landmarks in London?



In today's lesson, we join Miss Browne in learning about some of the famous landmarks in London. We have a go at placing them on a map and finish the lesson by writing a list of tourist attractions for people visiting London.


Spellings and Reading


Daily phonics


Zoom with Mrs Burgess and Mr Bibby


Spelling quiz

History:  Walt: find out about Samuel Pepys and understand how his diary helped us to find out about life in the past




Walt: compare number sentences using < > and =


Computing: Purple Mash (see video)

Walt: be able to use the direction keys to complete the challenges successfully.  Please do challenges 1 & 2





PHSE: Turn things around

Today’s lesson will focus on bullying. We will look at the different types of bullying, how to deal with them and who to speak to if you are being bullied.


Mathletics and Reading


Daily phonics

English- writing



WALT: create a fact sheet (3)


(Focus on questions and using conjunctions to add more information to our sentences)





Walt: assess our 

understanding of addition and subtraction

within 20

Music lesson 3: In this lesson, we will be learning how sounds can be represented using symbols or pictures and the relationship between pulse and rhythm.


Forest School- Watch the video of Mrs Amitrano reading a story and have a go at some of the related activities (there are indoor and outdoor tasks)

Mathletics and Reading


Year 1 Remote Learning Week Beginning 18th January 2021

Parents and Carers, the timetable below includes all of the learning that we have set for the children in Year 1 this week. All of the resources are grouped into subjects with links and worksheets as needed. 

Please aim to complete at least 3-4 pieces of learning a day. We know that many of you will be juggling working from home as well as home learning so this learning can be completed across the week to fit around your work commitments.

We have scheduled three zoom meetings which will provide the children with an opportunity to feedback on their learning and see their friends. They will also enable us to address any misconceptions, revisit key concepts and do some 'live' teaching.

To enable us to celebrate learning and provide feedback we ask that you upload photos of completed learning to Tapestry each week. We have included the link to a video explaining how to do this below.

Please do not hesitate to contact us by emailing if you would like any further support with learning and/or additional resources such as exercise books or paper copies of worksheets provided.



Best Wishes


Mrs Burgess and Mr Bibby



Session 1 

(25 mins)


Session 2

(45 mins)


Session 3

(40 mins)


Session 4

(40 mins)


Session 5

(25 mins)

Monday Daily phonics activities 


Zoom with Mrs Burgess



English- writing (to be explained by Mrs Burgess on zoom)


WALT: use adjectives to describe a character



Walt: Add by making 10




Lesson 4: How do our bodies change as we get older?


In this lesson, we will look at the different stages of life and learn about the key differences of each stage of development.
Spellings and Reading
Tuesday Daily phonics and activities


Zoom with Mrs Burgess and Mr Bibby


English writing (to be explained by Mrs Burgess on zoom)

WALT: retell a story



Walt: Add by making 10



Lesson 2: How did London begin?


In this lesson, we will look at London's origin, focusing on how it began as a Roman settlement by the banks of the River Thames nearly 2000 years ago.
Spellings and Reading
Wednesday Daily phonics and activities

English- writing


WALT: retell a story (part 2)



Walt: subtract (not crossing 10)



Lesson 4: How do people move around in London?



In today's lesson, we learn about the different modes of transport used by people in London.
Spellings and Reading

Daily phonics and activities



Zoom with Mrs Burgess and Mr Bibby


Spelling quiz and science learning explained by Mr Bibby


English- writing

Walt: write a book review



Walt: subtract by counting back


Lesson 3:

What was London like at the time of the fire?


In this lesson, we will look at how London developed as an important cultural, economic and political centre through the reign of the Anglo-Saxons, Normans and Tudors.
Mathletics and Reading
Friday Daily phonics and activities

English- writing



WALT: Use the past tense and adjectives to write a postcard



Walt: subtract by counting back (crossing 10)



Walt: draw lines of different shapes and thickness


Create a simple drawing inspired by looking at images of 17th   century London.

Mathletics and Reading


Year 1 Remote Learning Week Beginning 11th January 2021

Parents and Carers, the timetable below includes all of the learning that we have set for the children in Year 1 this week. All of the resources are grouped into subjects with links and worksheets as needed. 

Please aim to complete at least 3-4 pieces of learning a day. We know that many of you will be juggling working from home as well as home learning so this learning can be completed across the week to fit around your schedule.

To enable us to celebrate learning and provide feedback we ask that you upload photos of completed learning to Tapestry each week.

Please do not hesitate to contact us by emailing if you would like any further support with learning and/or additional resources such as exercise books or paper copies of worksheets provided.

We will be contacting you this week to 'check in' and to ask if there is anything that you need. We have also set up two zoom meetings. These will provide the children with an opportunity to feedback on their learning and see their friends, as well as allow us to address any misconceptions and do some 'live' teaching.


Best Wishes


Mrs Burgess and Mr Bibby

Monday Phonics


WALT: write questions to find out about a book


WALT: Add by counting on


Lesson 3: What is a healthy diet?

In this lesson, we will learn about the different food groups and what we use each food group for.

Spellings and reading
Tuesday Phonics


WALT: Write sentences and phrases in the first person


WALT: Add by counting on



Zoom meeting with Mrs Burgess and Mr Bibby

Phonics review and Introduction to our Great Fire of London topic

Spellings and reading
Wednesday Phonics


WALT: Use adjectives


WALT:Add ones using number bonds                   


Lesson 3: What is the history of London?

In this lesson, we will find out how the city of London was founded and find out about the three main groups that settled there.

Spellings and reading
Thursday Phonics


Zoom meeting with Mrs Burgess and Mr Bibby

Don't forget our spelling quiz!


WALT: Add ones using number bonds



Lesson 1:What was life like in the 17th century?

In this lesson, we will find out who ruled England during the 17th century, up to who was in charge at the time of the Great Fire of London.

Friday Phonics


WALT: Write sentences using the past tense


WALT: Find and make number bonds


Lesson 2:creating simple patterns

In this lesson, we will be learning how to use our body to show pulse in different ways and how to match the rhythm pattern to the pulse.




Year 1 Remote Learning- Week Commencing 4th January 2021

Welcome to the spring term Year 1. We know that it may be different to how we expected it to be but we will see you soon, even if it is virtually for now.


Parents and Carers, the timetable below includes all of the learning that we have set for the children in Year 1 this week. All of the resources are grouped into subjects with links and worksheets as needed. 

Please aim to complete at least 3-4 pieces of learning a day. We know that many of you will be juggling working from home as well as home learning so this learning can be completed across the week to fit around your schedule.

To enable us to celebrate learning and provide feedback we ask that you upload photos of completed learning to Tapestry each week.

Please do not hesitate to contact us by emailing if you would like any further support with learning and/or additional resources such as exercise books or paper copies of worksheets provided.

We will be contacting you routinely to 'check in' and our Family Wellbeing Lead, Linda Smith, will also be available to offer additional support and advice.


Best wishes


Mrs Burgess and Mr Bibby 

Timetable of year 1 learning for the week commencing 4th January

Tuesday Phonics English Maths Geography PSHE
Tuesday   How Coyote Brought Fire to the Earth (Lesson 1) We are learning to listen and respond to a story In this lesson, we will listen to a story and discuss our favourite moments. We will then draw pictures of these moments and add labels to describe them in more detail. Exploring calculation strategies within 20 Lesson 1- using number bonds when subtracting In this lesson, you will be subtracting numbers within 20 Lesson 1- What is the United Kingdom? In today's lesson, we join Miss Browne in learning about the geographical location of the UK, and the countries within the UK. We will draw a map of the countries within the UK and label with seas surrounding it

Feeling Good

In this lesson, you will be talking about feelings and how people respond to them. You will meet Bobby and friends who will talk to you about how they feel and what they do when they feel different emotions. At the end you'll write a letter to one of Bobby’s friends to help her

Wednesday Daily phonics

English How Coyote Brought Fire to the Earth (Lesson 2) We are learning to be able to retell a story from memory

In this lesson, we will learn to tell the story from memory using a process called Map, Step, Speak.

Maths Exploring calculation strategies within 20 Lesson 2- using doubles to calculate near doubles

In this lesson, you will be using your doubling knowledge to support with calculations within 20

 Science Lesson 1- What are the different parts of the human body? In this lesson, we will learn about the different parts of the body, where you find them and what their functions are. PSHE Lesson 2- Cool down corner In today’s lesson we will be exploring anger and how to deal with it. Bobby is annoyed and frustrated with some of his friends and needs your help to deal with this problem. Help him by designing a cool down corner where he can go to relax, be calm and find inner peace.
Thursday Daily Phonics English How Coyote Brought Fire to the Earth (Lesson 3) We are learning to build descriptive language. In this lesson, we will build descriptive language in our stories through song. Maths Exploring calculation strategies within 20 Lesson 3- using the ‘make ten’ strategy In this lesson, you will use the 'make ten' strategy to solve calculations. Geography Lesson 2- What can you find in the United Kingdom? In today's lesson we join Miss Browne in learning about some of the famous features from the four different countries within the UK. We learn about both natural features and human features such as capital cities. We will write a fact file for each country with some of the key information from the lesson. Science Lesson 2- Why is exercise so important? In this lesson, we will learn what exercise is and why it is so important. We will explore different ways to exercise and choose our favourite!
Friday Daily Phonics English How Coyote Brought Fire to the Earth (Lesson 4) We are learning to use expanded noun phrases to describe. In this lesson, we will learn how to use expanded noun phrases to help describe characters in the story more vividly. Maths Exploring calculation strategies within 20 Lesson 4- understanding that the = symbol represents equivalence In this lesson, you will use various strategies to solve calculations within 20. Music Lesson 1- Pulse In this lesson, we will be learning about pulse, how to find it and how to move our body in time to the beat. DT Research a London landmark and make a model using recycled materials. How will you join and attach the parts together? Can you make your model move?


Year 1 Home Learning - Week Commencing 14th December 2020

Click on the Phonics banner and choose a phonics activity to complete each day.


Click on the PE banner and complete 2 activites throughout the week.


Click on the banner to be taken to RE learning.


Click on the music banner to be taken to this weeks music lesson.

A link will be emailed so you are able to watch the panto from home. Below are activities linked to the Panto.

Below are some Christmas craft ideas for you to try at home.
