
St Peter and St Paul Church Primary School

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Atinuke Class, Year 2

Welcome to Atinuke Class, Year 2


Who's Who?




Mrs Smith                 Mrs Cutler 

General Information


PE day: Tuesday and Friday

Please wear weather appropriate PE kit to school on these days.


Home reading books: books will be changed on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday. 

Please try to read every night. Please write in the reading record the page number read to. If you have not finished a book, we will send the book home again. 

Please ensure books are in school every day as staff read with the children each morning, and with the help of our reading volunteers, we use any other available opportunities to read with the children. 



Our Days in Atinuke Class

Please find below an example timetable for our week. This should give an idea of the lessons being covered throughout a typical week, however please note that the days on which specific lessons take place change extremely frequently.


Curriculum Information 


Please find our curriculum maps outlining the areas of learning we  are covering in each half term. For further subject information and policies, please visit the curriculum pages. 


Autumn 1 Curriculum map

Knowledge Organisers 

Please find below the knowledge organisers that support our learning each half term. Paper copies are also sent home in book bags at the beginning of each half term.

Autumn 1 

Supporting your Child in Year 2


Please see below some strategies for helping your child in Year 2. You will also find further information in the curriculum pages. 

  • Please try to listen to your child read every night - just a page or two will make a big difference. Remind them to 'say the sounds and read the words' and reread sentences to build up fluency and confidence. 
  • Share and discuss knowledge organisers. Practice key vocabulary and talk about learning. 
  • Visit LetterJoin to practice forming letters and watch letter formation videos 


Please find below some maths strategies that will support your child within their learning. Please note that these will gradually introduced and so your child may not be familiar with them yet. 

If you have questions about supporting your child with maths strategies, please do get in touch. 

Addition using a number line

Still image for this video

Dividing by 2

Still image for this video

Finding fractions of amounts

Still image for this video