We had a wonderful World Book Day celebrating all things reading!
Stay and Read
The children thoroughly enjoyed being able to start their morning reading with their friends and grown-ups.
Cosy in Pyjamas!
This year, all of the children and adults got cosy in their pyjamas, onesies, dressing gowns and slippers for our theme of 'bedtime stories'.
Whole School Reading Project - Tuesday
This year, all classes explored the story 'Tuesday' by David Wiesner.
The children enjoyed doing lots of activities around the story and drew on lots of different learning skills.
Time for a bedtime story!
After a very busy day, everyone snuggled down to share their favourite bedtime story. Milkshake and a cookie were an extra special treat!
World Book Day Showcase Gallery
The children thoroughly enjoyed being able to showcase all of their wonderful 'Tuesday' work and their fantastic book jars for their friends and grown-ups. It was great to see so many families enjoying the day.