
St Peter and St Paul Church Primary School

Let your light shine

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Collective Worship

Let Your Light Shine (Matthew 5:16) teaches us that we are valued and that we have light that we can draw on to shine; spreading light and hope to those within our school community and beyond. We need Wisdom, Hope, Courage, Respect and Love (our school values) to develop the self belief and confidence to navigate an ever changing world. God created us to make an impact and we wish for our children both learning through knowledge and learning through faith so that they can rise to the challenge of what God would wish us to do and do it with and through love.The verse provides light, showing that everyone is valued and can make a difference.


During worship, we encourage faith to grow and nurture our children to be enquiring citizens and advocates for others; to stand up for what is right and to know that they can spread their light and hope through their actions within ‘our purple family’ and beyond. Our value of love is at the heart of all we do; demonstrating our Christian ethos and building a culture of prepared, reflective and confident learners who want to make a difference and Let their Light Shine.


If you would like further information about our approach to collective worship, please read the policy below.


If you would like to find out more about the themes for our worship, please refer to our weekly newsletters or read the overviews below.
