Dear Dahl class,
I hope you are all well and have been enjoying the beautiful sunshine!
Please find the learning for the week beginning 29th June below.
There is a research project for you to complete based on your new school and going in to Year 3. Please print this off and complete it as I think it will really help you get to know the school a little before you start in September. We would normally be doing transition days round about now where you would visit your new school in person but of course this won't be happening this year so this is a task in place of those days.
Please use the internet safely and always with an adult present.
Please try and access the Year 2 blog page. We have been accessing it in school each week and sharing all of the messages and learning that you have been blogging. The children in my bubble have also been writing some of their own blogs so please reply to them. It's a fantastic way of keeping in touch and hearing about all of the lovely things you're doing at home.
We miss you all.
Miss Heppenstall