
St Peter and St Paul Church Primary School

Let your light shine

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Our Vision


Let Your Light Shine


We go into the world to walk in God's light, to rejoice in God's love and to reflect God's glory.



Our vision is to be: An aspirational school where children are equipped with the knowledge, skills and values to thrive academically and socially, and develop the self-belief to embrace their future lives with confidence as God intended them to



Our school community aims to provide:


  • A Christian ethos that encourages spiritual development through all aspects of the curriculum and a sense of awe and wonder
  • A secure environment with care, nurture and compassion at its heart where each child knows that they are valued
  • An environment that fosters a desire in the children to show that same love for others in school, at home and in the wider community
  • An environment where the children are encouraged to develop tolerance and consideration for others, including knowing how to respectfully disagree
  • A broad and inspirational curriculum that provides challenge, leads to developing a love of learning and encourages the children to work hard in order to achieve their targets and secure the best outcomes
  • Learning experiences that equip them for the next stage in their development and encourage innovation so preparing them for their future world
  • A growing understanding of life-long learning skills such as the importance of enquiry, independence, self-motivation, exploration and a desire to achieve
  • A supportive environment where the children feel sufficiently secure to develop resilience in the face of challenge and failure (e.g. when they haven’t achieved something ‘yet’)
  • An ethos that encourages interdependence and one that helps children understand the importance of listening, showing empathy, taking turns and building on others’ ideas
  • A welcome to all members of each family and a school which firmly holds to the belief in the partnership between home and school in the development of every child
  • A wealth of opportunities to forge strong links with others in the wider community including with the church and other schools
  • For the development of an age-appropriate understanding of what supports positive emotional and mental health and the development of skills and enjoyment of physical activities that will lay a foundation for an active and healthy life-style




