
St Peter and St Paul Church Primary School

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Year 2

Welcome back to the spring term. 

The timetables below includes all of the learning that we have set for any children in Year 2 that need to isolate in the coming weeks. Links to resources and worksheets are provided as needed.

Please upload photos and videos of your child's learning to their Tapestry account so that we can celebrate their learning and provide feedback.

Please do not hesitate to contact me by emailing if you would like further support with remote learning and/or require paper copies of any of the resources.


Miss Richardson

WB 07.02.22







Activity 1

Phonics Phonics PhonicsPhonicsPhonics

Activity 2


Activity 3

Maths PSHEMaths Maths Maths 

Activity 4

ReadingPE History REScience


WB 31/01/2022







Activity 1


Activity 2


Activity 3


Activity 4

Reading MathsReading PE Science


WB 24/01/2022







Activity 1 


Activity 2


Activity 3

MathsMusic MathsMathsMaths

Activity 4

SciencePEHistory REReading 


WB 17/01/2022







Activity 1 


Activity 2 


Activity 3

MathsPSHEMathsMaths Maths

Activity 4

History PE ScienceRE Reading


WB 10/01/2022







Activity 1


Activity 2


Activity 3

Maths ReadingMathsMathsMaths

Activity 4



WB 03/01/2022





Activity 1

Phonics PhonicsPhonics

Activity 2

EnglishMusic English 

Activity 3 

Maths Maths Maths 

Activity 4

History ITScience 









This week, we are starting our new story of Kassim and the Ferocious Dragon.

Wednesday: Before you watch the video, can you write a prediction about what the story might be about based on the title. (From reading the title, I predict that this story will be about... I think this because...) We will be looking at stories where the character is warned not to do something, but does it anyway. After you have watched the story, give your opinions... What did you like? What didn't you like? Is this story similar to any stories you have read before?


Friday: Today, we will be retelling the story of Kassim and the Ferocious Dragon. Rewatch the video to help you. Draw pictures and a caption in each box to retell the story.


Wednesday - Recognise equal groups

Thursday - Make equal groups

Friday - Add equal groups


This week we are beginning our new topic thinking about the history of nursing. Watch the video to find out how nursing has changed over time. Can you write a brief description on what would make a good nurse. "I think that a good nurse needs to be..."

Who might be significant people in our lives? Can you draw this person on the left of the sheet and say why they are significant. "This is... They are significant because..." 

Look at the PPT on significant people. Do you know why any of these might be significant? Fill in the right side of the sheet and explain why this person is significant. "... is significant because..."



In our Science this week, we are recalling what we know about plants and understand the difference between deciduous and evergreen trees. 


This week we are going to create a poster about safety online. Go to and type in 'St Peter and St Paul's' or 'CR35BN'. Your child should then know their log in. 

Once in, click 'computing' 

Next, scroll down and find 'eSafety poster'. 



If you are isolating and doing your learning at home please do contact us via tapestry for any further help.  We would also like to see your work uploaded each day.  Many thanks.

Welcome to this week's learning.  I am really proud of all the work you have been doing at home (and the Parents!) but am pleased to say that this should be the last time I need to put all the learning on here for you to do at home!  I can't wait to see you next week but have a go at these lessons to prepare you for next week. smiley


We hope you had a good half term break.  We've got some great activities planned for our new topic areas this half term and look forward to sharing it with you.  Remember to share what you have done on tapestry or pop it into school - just do what you can. We look forward to seeing you during our zoom meeting soon!
Hello everyone, welcome to a snowy week 6. 
well done for all you have done till now, I have been amazed by some your work and very proud of you all. There is no week ahead video this week but you can find the timetable and activities below. I look forward to seeing you all at our zoom on Wednesday and Friday. Remember spelling test Wednesday and your Flat Stanley book. Keep your weather charts going if you like. You can bring them to school when we are all together again. Have a lovely snowy week. 
Hello everyone, welcome to week 5 of our home learning. Have a look at the video in the video centre to give you all an introduction to this week’s plans. Have a lovely week- see you soon! 


Please aim to complete at least 3-4 pieces of learning a day. We know that many of you will be juggling working from home as well as home learning so this learning can be completed across the week to fit around your schedule.

To enable us to celebrate learning and provide feedback we ask that you upload photos of completed learning to Tapestry each week.

Please do not hesitate to contact us by emailing if you would like any further support with learning and/or additional resources such as exercise books or paper copies of worksheets provided.

Week Beginning 11/01/2021


Hello everyone, welcome to week 2.


There is a video to introduce the week ahead on our video page.  If you go to 'Remote learning 20/21' and then to the bottom of the class list the video link is at the bottom to click on.  There are 'Year 2 videos' under the Year 2 heading.  


Here is the timetable for the week.  Please complete at least 15 of the tasks over the week and make sure to share one each day on Tapestry.  





approx 35 mins


Approx 35 mins

After lunch: Approx 45 mins in total



Approx 1 hour 

Approx 10 mins
Monday We begin a new unit.  If you look on the video pages you will find lesson number 1.  You will need a pen and paper.  We will be learning to write question sentences. In this lesson we will continue to explore arrays. Handwriting and reading activity

Today we will be looking at a PPT for Design Technology and completing the worksheet.


Also in RE we will be thinking about music for worship.  

Tuesday In today's video with me we will be explaining using conjunctions in a sentence.  You will need colouring pencils.  

In this lesson we will identify halves and quarters of quantities

Handwriting and reading activity

PE- Dance - join in with moves to help you stretch and exercise - all with a 'Space' Theme!


Computing - Head over to the video pages to have a purple mash tutorial!



In today's lesson we will use adjectives to describe experiences.  You will need some room to move around today!  


In this lesson we will identify halves and quarters of quantities

Handwriting and reading activity Science -

In this lesson, we will be learning all about the different planets in our solar system. We will learn a fact about each planet and you'll hear a clever way of remembering the order of the planets. You will need a piece of paper and a pencil.


Thursday In this lesson we will be writing postcards home all about our trip to the moon!

In this lesson you will recognise the vinculum, numerators and denominators in fractions.


Handwriting and reading activity PSHE - 

In today’s lesson we will be exploring anger and how to deal with it. Bobby is annoyed and frustrated with some of his friends and needs your help to deal with this problem. Help him by designing a cool down corner where he can go to relax, be calm and find inner peace.


Friday Today we are going to be readers- we are going to read the work we did yesterday and think about how to improve our work.   In this lesson you will divide shapes into equal parts and you will also recognise when a shape is divided equally into halves. Handwriting and reading activity Geography - In this lesson we are going to be virtually flying all across Europe, learning more about this wonderful continent. We will be learning all about how many people live in Europe, what food you can eat if you visit and what places you would see. You will need a piece of paper and a pencil for this lesson. Let’s get started! Storytime
  English Maths Topic
Monday INSET    
Tuesday In this lesson you will listen to a news report about Apollo's missing item. We will then map the story together using drawings to show the different parts of the news report. In this lesson we will be sharing a total equally between a set number of groups. Music - 

In this lesson, you will be learning about pulse and how to find it in a piece of music. You will practise tapping the pulse along to a piece of music and compose your own body percussion pulse pattern.



In today's lesson we will use our story map to create an action to represent each part of our news report. Once we've done this we will then have a go at speaking the story, using the story map and actions to help us if we need them.


In this lesson we will investigate which numbers can be shared equally between two, three and four groups. Science - Today, we are going to be starting a new unit all about space. In this lesson, we will learn about what can be found in space. We will also learn how scientists gather information about space. You will need a piece of paper and a pencil.
Thursday In this lesson we will take on the role of different characters and think about how we can change our voice, facial expressions and body language to demonstrate this character to an audience. We will focus mainly on a police officer interviewing Apollo about the crime. In this lesson we will investigate which numbers can be shared equally between two, three and four groups. PSHE - 

In this lesson, you will be talking about feelings and how people respond to them. You will meet Bobby and friends who will talk to you about how they feel and what they do when they feel different emotions. At the end you'll write a letter to one of Bobby’s friends to help her feel better.


Friday In this lesson we will explore how the suffix -ed can be added to regular verbs to make them past tense. We will then use some of these past tense verbs in sentences linked to our news report. In this lesson we will begin to explore arrays. Geography - In this lesson we are going to be learning about the seven continents. We are going to learn what a Geographer is and how important they are. We will be looking at the seven continents, comparing their size and location on our planet. We will then be learning all about what the equator is. You will need a piece of paper and a pencil for this lesson. Let's get started!

