
St Peter and St Paul Church Primary School

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Year 2 home learning for the weeks beginning the 4th and 11th of May

Dear Parents/ Carers and children, 


As we go further into lockdown and times become more testing, please know that we are thinking of you all and you can still contact us if you need to speak to any of us. We are always here for you and will get back to you asap. A lot of the learning this week is themed around mental health and getting the children to discuss emotions. I think this is one of the most important things that we can do right now in order to keep their minds healthy. 

The English lessons are based around a book that Elsie bought for me, called 'The boy, the mole, the fox and the horse', by Charlie Mackesy. If you are able to, I highly recommend buying this book, for all of the family. It truly is the most inspiring and beautifully illustrated book I have ever read! It basically puts life into perspective; problems that we think are big problems in Lockdown, really are just a drop in the ocean and this book helps you to see that through the eyes of a boy, a mole, a fox and a horse. Please do let me know what you think of it, and Elsie- drop her a line, I know she'd love to hear from you!


Again, a suggested timetable of learning - please do what works for you as a family. I really do love hearing from you all so please keep in touch. We have moved on to some new topics in RE and PSHE this week. In RE we are now focusing on Islam- What does it mean to be a Muslim? 

In PSHE we have moved on Relationships education (RSE) - Boys, girls and families. Please contact me if you would like further information about this and/or have any concerns about this content.


I hope you enjoy this week's learning and you're all behaving for your parents- don't forget to make them a cup of tea each day. I'm missing all the smiley and cheeky faces of Dahl class!


Miss Heppenstall heart


Dahl class timetable of learning – week beginning 11th May, 2020




Mon 11th May




Joe Wicks

9- 9:30



Phonics RH

There, their, they’re homophones



WALT: join clauses using conjunctions.

20-30 mins


White Rose Maths

Lesson 1

WALT: compare lengths.

20- 30 mins



WALT: understand the biological differences between male and female animals and their role in the life cycle. 30 mins


Tues 12th




Joe Wicks

9- 9:30



Phonics RH

There, their, they’re homophones



WALT: write about real events, recording these simply and clearly.   

30 mins


White Rose Maths

Lesson 2

WALT: order lengths.

30 mins


RE: What does it mean to be a Muslim?

WALT: Recognise that the Qur’an is a special book for Muslims, that it is handled with great care and read in Arabic. 30-40 mins


Wed 13th




 Joe Wicks

9- 9:30



Phonics RH

There, their, they’re homophones



WALT: use capital letters, full stops and question marks correctly in our sentences.  

30 mins


White Rose Maths

Lesson 3

WALT: use the four operations with lengths.

30 mins



All living things

WALT: be able to explain the differences between living and non-living things.

30-40 mins


Thurs 14th




 Joe Wicks

9- 9:30


Phonics RH

There, their, they’re homophones



WALT: be able to write sentences with different forms: statement, question, exclamation, command.

30 mins


White Rose Maths

Lesson 4

WALT: problem solve.

30 mins



WALT: create different tones using light and dark

30-40 mins


Fri 15th



Joe Wicks

9- 9:30



First 100 HFW       spelling test



WALT: use present and past tense mostly correctly and consistently

30 mins


White Rose Maths

Lesson 5

WALT: complete a range of challenges.   30 mins


ICT Communicating

WALT: be able to insert/delete a word using the mouse and arrow keys.

30 mins

Florence Nightingale Bicentenary Broadcast 2020

May 12th 2020 marks the 200th birthday of nursing pioneer Florence Nightingale. 2020 is also the International Year of the Nurse and the Midwife.
