English Approx 35 mins |
Maths Approx 35 mins |
Handwriting and Reading after lunch Approx 45 mins |
Topic Approx 1 hour |
Story Time 5 mins |
Monday | Today we will be practising spellings by using our letters and sounds in the correct order in words. |
In this lesson you will divide squares into equal parts and identify one half, quarter or third of the square.
Handwriting and Reading after lunch Approx 45 mins |
RE |
Reading chapters of 'The Wishing Chair' |
Tuesday | Today we will be practising writing the perfect sentence on some very important signs! | In this lesson you will identify unit and non-unit fractions within shapes. You will also label fractions of shapes and compare similarities and differences on a Venn diagram. |
Handwriting and Reading after lunch Approx 45 mins |
Science | Reading chapters of 'The Wishing Chair' |
Wednesday | Today we will be describing an imaginary place and making posters. |
In this lesson you will find one half, one quarter and one third of quantities.
Handwriting and Reading after lunch Approx 45 mins |
Computing | Reading chapters of 'The Wishing Chair' |
Thursday | Today is all about character description and getting to know the Aliens as we read the book. |
In this lesson you will find one half, one quarter and one third of quantities.
Handwriting and Reading after lunch Approx 45 mins |
Music and PSHE | Reading chapters of 'The Wishing Chair' |
Friday | Today we will be looking at creating and designing our own alien character | In this lesson you will find one half, one quarter and one third of a rectangle by counting the squares within the shape. |
Handwriting and Reading after lunch Approx 45 mins |
Geography | Reading chapters of 'The Wishing Chair' |